Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013


Yap sesuai dengan judulnya,kali ini gue cuma basa-basi.setelah sekian lama ngga ngepost sesuatu akhirnya hari ini tepat pada tanggal 7 agustus 2013 pukul 13.37 WIB dan hari yang "kayaknya" terakhir di bulan ramadhan gue ngepost sesuatu juga.
Mungkin post ini lebih condong ke arah tentang diri gue.
Kenalin nama gue Akhmad Zubaidi dan sayangnya gue punya banyak banget nama panggilan yg nggak mungkin juga gue sebutin satu persatu jadi panggil aja gue Zuu kebanyakan pada manggil gue kayak gitu.
Gue seorang cowok tulen ya,lahir pada selasa pahing 29 Maret 1994 ntah lahir di rumah sakit ato di rumah gue juga ga inget,ntar dukun bayi ato bidan juga gue ga inget,tapi yang pasti gue lahir di kasur yang empuk (oke ga penting).Gue tinggal di kota ukir (Jepara).
Gue sekarang duduk di bangku suram perkuliahan di IKIP PGRI Semarang Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,dan sekarang alhamdulillah gue naik semester enggak tinggal semester jadi sekarang gue semester lima belas.
Gue sekarang alhamdulillah juga Single (beda sama Jomblo) ya promosi juga sebenernya sih.
Ya mungkin cuma segitu dulu ya,kalo misal ada yg pengen kenal gue lebih dalam bisa follow aja twitter gue @zubaidi_29.
Cukup sekian dan selamat menikmati karya dunia maya dari gue. 

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

sentence problem

When communicating in standard English, we rely on sentences to convey what we call a complete thought.there are 3 kinds of sentence problem.
they are :
1. Sentence fragment.
     A sentence fragment EITHER lacks a crucial element, such as a subject or verb, OR it includes a subordinating conjunction. Here are examples, with suggestions for correcting the errors:

Lacking a verb: Helena's car being the only one that could carry all of our equipment.
Note that "being" is a participial form of the verb "to be." It is not acting as a verb in the sentence.
Correct: Helen's car was the only one that could carry all of our equipment.
Lacking a subject: Going with our biology teacher to visit the marine aquarium research lab.
Correct: We are going with our biology teacher to visit the marine aquarium research lab.
2. Run-on sentence.
     A run-on sentence, also called a fused sentence, contains too many elements while lacking needed connectors or punctuation. It may contain two independent clauses, as in the following example:
Fused sentence: The boys ran a marathon they didn't win though.
This fused sentence includes two independent clauses: "The boys (subject) ran (verb) a marathon" and "they (subject) didn't win (verb) though." To correct such a sentence, try one of the following:
Punctuate: The boys ran a marathon; they didn't win, though.
A semicolon can connect these closely related clauses.
Divide: The boys ran a marathon. They didn't win, though.
These two independent clauses can stand alone. Note that any situation which allows for a semicolon also offers the option of separating the clauses into two sentences.
Subordinate:  Although the boys ran a marathon, they didn't win.  
The first clause in this revision is now subordinate, or logically and structurally dependent upon the main clause.
3. Comma splies.
      Like run-ons or fused sentences, comma splices contain too much information. They are essentially two independent clauses joined by a comma:
Comma splice: She painted the sunroom, the colors softened the room.
The two independent clauses are "She painted the sunroom" and "the colors softened the room." This sentence problem can be corrected in three ways:
Add a semicolon: She painted the sunroom; the colors softened the room.
Divide: She painted the sunroom. The colors softened the room.
Add a coordinating conjunction: She painted the sunroom, and the colors softened the room.